PHAROS Data Logger

Using Ship Data for Insights

Ships generate a lot of data. This data can help to improve maritime operations. But often, this data doesn't reach the shore. The PHAROS data logger solves this problem. It retrieves data in a structured way. Then, this data is translated into new insights. This way, you get the best out of your ship data.

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The PHAROS Data Logger

The PHAROS data logger is placed on the ship. It works with over 600 PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) and 100 industrial protocols. This allows almost all assets to be connected. The SVO Smart Tag setup ensures structured, tagged, and encrypted data. Choose from thousands of signals. These signals are sent to your SVO cloud. There, they are used for reports, analyses, dashboards, and more. This way, data becomes information and is shared with the right people.

Pharos Data Logger

Types of PHAROS Data Loggers


The PHAROS One is the most scalable version. With built-in sensors, it is plug-and-play. Place it anywhere with internet or LTE reception. This version can be expanded without limitations.

Pharos One Data Logger

PHAROS Compact

The PHAROS Compact is ideal for small or more advanced vessels. It is compact, lightweight, and can be used temporarily. This version is ideal for monitoring during projects or for ships that change frequently. There are stand-alone solutions for fuel monitoring, emission reporting, and asset tracking.


The PHAROS Light is the best choice for tracking a single asset. This version is used by OEM suppliers and SIs to provide better remote support, ensure faster repairs, and higher asset availability. It is very small and mounted on a DIN rail.


The PHAROS Custom is used for bespoke applications. If you have a specific issue that cannot be addressed by one of the standard devices, we can help with a custom solution. This option is only available for orders of at least 10 units.

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Optional extensions

All PHAROS loggers have the following optional extensions:

  • Connectable with 600 different PLCs and 103 industrial communication protocols to make already available signals on the vessel available
  • Fuel meters: For fuel usage and emission reporting. Easy to install and maintain.
  • Energy meters for mapping a vessel's energy use, and energy distribution, automated tracking of running hours and support with remote asset condition monitoring
  • CCTV: Camera footage stored for at least 30 days and accessible from shore. Especially useful for claim handling.
  • Various sensors: Temperature, RPM, pressure, vibrations, etc. To empower information value and easily enable asset health tracking
  • CAN Bus connection delivering direct access to engine and genset data.

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